Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe® Photoshop® CC focuses on some of the basic features of Photoshop so that the student can navigate the environment and use Photoshop tools to work with photographic images. In addition, the orientation to Adobe® Bridge and organization of files in Bridge is covered. This course delves into some of the more advanced image creation and editing techniques and offers you hands-on activities that demonstrate how these techniques can be used in combination to create exciting visual effects.
Day 1
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Photoshop
- Topic A: Organize Photoshop Assets by Using Adobe Bridge
- Topic B: Organize the Photoshop Workspace
- Topic C: Customize the Photoshop Workspace
Lesson 2: Creating Basic Images
- Topic A: Manage Image Elements and Formats
- Topic B: Apply Design Principles, Elements, and Graphic Composition
- Topic C: Work with Digital Devices
Lesson 3: Managing Selections and Layers
- Topic A: Use Selection Tools
- Topic B: Manage Layers
Lesson 4: Adjusting Images
- Topic A: Modify Images
- Topic B: Repair Images
- Topic C: Implement Color Management
Lesson 5: Refining Images
- Topic A: Adjust Layers
- Topic B: Apply Camera Raw
- Topic C: Refine Images by Using Advanced Tools
Lesson 6: Managing Files in a Production Workflow
- Topic A: Import, Export, and Organize Files
- Topic B: Save Images for the Web
- Topic C: Save Images for Print
- Topic D: Format Images for Other Programs
Day 2
Lesson 1: Creating Raster Images
- Topic A: Draw with Brushes
- Topic B: Create Gradients
- Topic C: Apply Tool Presets
Lesson 2: Applying Vector Image Tools
- Topic A: Create Images with Vector Paths
- Topic B: Apply the Shape Drawing Tools
- Topic C: Work with Type
- Topic D: Apply Type Special Effects
Lesson 3: Applying Advanced Layer Techniques
- Topic A: Modify Images with Masks
- Topic B: Apply Special Effects by Using Filters
- Topic C: Apply Special Effects to Layers
- Topic D: Apply Smart Objects for Nondestructive Editing
Lesson 4: Automating Tasks
- Topic A: Create and Apply Actions
- Topic B: Batch Process Files with Photoshop and Adobe Bridge
Lesson 5: Editing Video
- Topic A: Edit Video
- Topic B: Add Graphics, Titles, and Animation to Video
Lesson 6: Setting Project Requirements
- Topic A: Identify Purpose, Audience, and Audience Needs
- Topic B: Adhere to Copyright Rules for Artwork, Graphics, and Graphics Use
- Topic C: Determine and Evaluate Project Management Tasks and Responsibilities
Scheduled Courses
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\nAdobe® Photoshop® CC focuses on some of the basic features of Photoshop so that the student can navigate the environment and use Photoshop tools to work\n with photographic images. In addition, the orientation to Adobe® Bridge and organization of files in Bridge is covered. This course delves into some\n of the more advanced image creation and editing techniques and offers you hands-on activities that demonstrate how these techniques can be used in\n combination to create exciting visual effects.
\nDay 1
\nLesson 1: Getting Started with Photoshop
- \n
- Topic A: Organize Photoshop Assets by Using Adobe Bridge \n
- Topic B: Organize the Photoshop Workspace \n
- Topic C: Customize the Photoshop Workspace \n
Lesson 2: Creating Basic Images
\n- \n
- Topic A: Manage Image Elements and Formats \n
- Topic B: Apply Design Principles, Elements, and Graphic Composition \n
- Topic C: Work with Digital Devices \n
Lesson 3: Managing Selections and Layers
\n- \n
- Topic A: Use Selection Tools \n
- Topic B: Manage Layers \n
Lesson 4: Adjusting Images
\n- \n
- Topic A: Modify Images \n
- Topic B: Repair Images \n
- Topic C: Implement Color Management \n
Lesson 5: Refining Images
\n- \n
- Topic A: Adjust Layers \n
- Topic B: Apply Camera Raw \n
- Topic C: Refine Images by Using Advanced Tools \n
Lesson 6: Managing Files in a Production Workflow
\n- \n
- Topic A: Import, Export, and Organize Files \n
- Topic B: Save Images for the Web \n
- Topic C: Save Images for Print \n
- Topic D: Format Images for Other Programs \n
Day 2
\nLesson 1: Creating Raster Images
\n- \n
- Topic A: Draw with Brushes \n
- Topic B: Create Gradients \n
- Topic C: Apply Tool Presets \n
Lesson 2: Applying Vector Image Tools
\n- \n
- Topic A: Create Images with Vector Paths \n
- Topic B: Apply the Shape Drawing Tools \n
- Topic C: Work with Type \n
- Topic D: Apply Type Special Effects \n
Lesson 3: Applying Advanced Layer Techniques
\n- \n
- Topic A: Modify Images with Masks \n
- Topic B: Apply Special Effects by Using Filters \n
- Topic C: Apply Special Effects to Layers \n
- Topic D: Apply Smart Objects for Nondestructive Editing \n
Lesson 4: Automating Tasks
\n- \n
- Topic A: Create and Apply Actions \n
- Topic B: Batch Process Files with Photoshop and Adobe Bridge \n
Lesson 5: Editing Video
\n- \n
- Topic A: Edit Video \n
- Topic B: Add Graphics, Titles, and Animation to Video \n
Lesson 6: Setting Project Requirements
\n- \n
- Topic A: Identify Purpose, Audience, and Audience Needs \n
- Topic B: Adhere to Copyright Rules for Artwork, Graphics, and Graphics Use \n
- Topic C: Determine and Evaluate Project Management Tasks and Responsibilities \n