This course is ideal for those who create basic websites, edit and manipulate HTML code and manage style sheets.
Student should be familiar with Windows or Mac operating systems, word processing skills and the Internet.
In this course, students will create a basic web page, structure content, apply styles, work with tables, navigate a website, create web page layouts,
manage CSS, test a website, create advanced navigation, incorporate metacontent and multimedia and create basic forms.
Course Outline:
Day 1
Lesson 1: Creating a Basic Web Page
Topic A: Describe the Basic Concepts of the Web
Topic B: Create a Basic Web Page
Topic C: Format a Web Page
Topic D: Create Lists
Lesson 2: Structuring Content
Topic A: Create Headers and Footers
Topic B: Categorize Text
Lesson 3: Applying Styles Using CSS
Topic A: Enhance Text
Topic B: Format Lists
Topic C: Modify the Page Background
Topic D: Apply Background Properties to Images
Lesson 4: Working with Tables
Topic A: Create a Table
Topic B: Modify a Table Structure
Topic C: Format a Table Using CSS
Lesson 5: Navigating a Website
Topic A: Create Links
Topic B: Create Image and Email Links
Topic C: Format Links Using CSS
Day 2
Lesson 1: Creating Web Page Layouts
Topic A: Group Content
Topic B: Create Box Layouts
Lesson 2: Managing CSS
Topic C: Apply Advanced CSS Selectors
Topic D: Create an External CSS
Topic E: Apply Browser-Specific CSS Code
Lesson 3: Testing a Website
Topic A: Test a Markup
Topic B: Test CSS
Lesson 4: Creating Advanced Navigation
Topic A: Create CSS-Based Menus
Topic B: Incorporate Images in CSS-Based Menus
Topic C: Create Image Maps
Lesson 5: Incorporating Metacontent & Multimedia
Topic A: Define Metacontent
Topic B: Embed Media Using Plug-Ins
Topic C: Add Audio and Video
Topic D: Creating Basic Forms
Lesson 6: Create a Form with Basic Form Elements
Topic A: Add Advanced Form Elements
Topic B: Submit Forms
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